The Limousine: Setting Better Priorities, Part One
A set of better priorities will make your ride towards self-actualization so smooth, you’ll think that a professional chauffer is competently and confidently in charge of getting you over the potholes and through the traffic jams. Better priorities are the limousine that will take you where you want to go.
With a productive, realistic set of priorities that accurately reflect your unique dreams and abilities, that accurately reflect where you find the most satisfaction and fulfillment in life, you’ll feel like you’re making all of the green lights, riding along towards happiness in a swank limousine, with a glass of your preferred carbonated beverage in hand.
Alright, I’ll be honest: that's not true. There is no limousine to happiness.
But better priorities are as close to a limousine as you can get.
If you can learn to set better priorities, you'll find yourself catapulted towards greater daily satisfaction, and greater success on the road to your long term goals, because you’ll always know where you’re going, how to get there, and how to have fun on the way.
It isn't always easy to learn to set priorities that will work for you, instead of against you. In this five part series, I’ll be looking at the good that priorities can do, and the harm. I’ll be looking at how and why the bulk of personal development culture comes up short when it comes to priorities. And I’ll be looking at the link between priorities and self knowledge, including a smattering of practical, actionable techniques that will help you start setting better priorities, priorities that come from the true core of who you are.
Before you can start setting better priorities, it’s crucial that you start to re-examine what a shift in priorities could do to help you reach your potential. For me, setting better priorities was the first big step I made on the road to making more money and having more fun. Setting better priorities is often the first big step towards reaching a goal.
I’ll be talking more about why that first step is so important, and how you can make it, in my next post, What Good Priorities Do.
More Posts On Priorities:
Priorities That Stop You In Your Tracks: Setting Better Priorities, Part Three
Different People, Different Methods, Different Priorities: Setting Better Priorities, Part Four
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